1. Maybe 04:37 2. Streets Of Bucharest 07:06 3. Heart Of The Moment 07:01 4. Pictures At Home 04:42 5. Inner Self 07:02 6. Tale Of Tomorrow 10:16 7. Confused 06:16 8. Mirror's Eye 08:02 9. Solitude 09:14 10. Scream In Silence 08:40----------------- Total playing time 01:12:56Sindre Antonsen - Vocals, Guitar Christer Harøy - Guitar (Triosphere) Rayner Harøy - Bass Olav Skei - Drums (Memorized Dreams) Eskild Kløften - KeyboardsNorway (Brekstad) Progressive Metal
1. Feed The Cat 03:41 2. Fugitive 04:33 3. Grab The Bull By The Horn 03:39 4. Turn Back Time 05:36 5. Anguish 04:53 6. Believer 03:41 7. Queen Of Mumbo Jumbo 03:57 8. Storytellers World 03:53 9. Unreliable Soldier 03:42---------------- Total playing time 37:40Johan Engstrom - Vocals Johan Wikstrom - Guitars Christer Wiik - Bass Fredrik Scherman - Drums Eric Lijero - KeyboardsGuest: Kent Plog - Backing Vocals Sweden (Stockholm) Progressive Metal
1. Into The Wishing Well 01:40 2. Walking Frozen Waters 05:05 3. Doing Time (S.O.L.S.) 03:33 4. The Unbearable Easiness Of Going (Instru-)Mental 05:35 5. Sense Of Doubt 04:53 6. Wake Up Dead 04:52 7. Shadow From The Past 04:05 8. Don't Cry For Me 05:49 9. Deeper Than Love 05:07--------------- Total playing time 40:39Wolfgang Sammer - Vocals Peter Brenner - Guitar Volker Mönch - Bass Boris Koch - Drums Michael Röhl - Keyboards Germany (Braunschweig, Lower Saxony) Progressive Metal
1. Dreaming (5:39)2. Diceman (4:35)3. Maze of Glory (7:12)4. Another Tomorrow (6:01)5. Behind These Eyes (4:08)6. Jigaboo Boogie (Instrumental) (4:55)7. Lonely Star (6:28)8. Delayed Reaction (2:49)9. Changes (Bonus Track) (4:31)10. Never (Bonus Track) (4:43)11. Defying Imagery (Bonus Track) (4:58)------------------Total playing time: 55:59Shane "Joel" Southby - Vocals (1987-1993) George Larin - Guitar (1990-1993) (New Religion (Aus), Backwater, Nothing Sacred (Aus), Amethyst (Aus)) Evan Harris - Bass (1987-1993) (Luthor (Aus)) Dave Browne (R.I.P. 21st October 1965 to 6th January 2009) - Drums (1987-1993) (Clauz, Nothing Sacred (Aus))This Australian band played a unique form of thrash metal and this album, originally released in 1991, is now reissued with bonus tracksAustralia (Melbourne, Victoria) Progressive Power/Thrash Metal
1. Undertow 5:132. Welcome Home 5:173. Sacred Love 4:504. New Gods 4:565. Different Eyes 5:296. Hold On To My Heart 3:457. Alter Ego 5:088. Scars 4:269. Hell Inside Me 4:4410. Human Nature 7:32-----------Total playing time: 51:20Vocals - Michael Pabst Guitar - Tobias Galmarini Keyboards - Daniel Galmarini Bass - Paul Viertel Drums - Maicel Panitz (Breakpoint (Ger), Phobya, Downfall (Ger), Unrest) 2000 "Dio-Tour" live drums Germany (Bad Salzschlirf, Hesse) Progressive/Power Metal
1. I'll Fly 04:33 2. My Child 04:55 3. In My Life 04:09 4. Feel This Way 03:38 5. Thru the Night 03:02 6. What's Been Remains 03:30 7. Beyond the Door 03:53 8. Falling 03:13 9. Rain 02:56 10. Strings of Illusion 01:59 11. The Truth I'll Tell 03:19---------------- Total playing time 39:12Walt Downey - Lead Vocals Phil Carnes - Guitars, Keyboards, Backing Vocals (Desolate Angel) Keith Menser - Bass, Keyboards Doug Readmond - DrumsUnited States of America (Baltimore, Maryland) Progressive Metal
1. Intro 02:12 2. Toxical Rainbow 09:42 3. Welcome To Your Nightmare 04:22 4. Send Me An Angel 04:30 5. Return 08:40 6. Made In Heaven 05:28 7. Time Was For No One Part I 05:40 8. Time Was For No One Part II 06:30 9. Call Of The Wild 03:40 10. World Of Tomorrow 05:22 11. Contact 07:03 12. Atlantis 04:28----------- Total playing time 01:07:37Sasha Licanin - Vocals and Keyboards Martin Sletcha - Guitars, formerly Keyboards Frank Bansemer - Bass Holger Breko - DrumsGermany (Berlin) Melodic Progressive Metal
1. Connect 00:47 2. Time in the Ice 08:04 3. How Much Progress 07:15 4. Darkened Rooms 06:59 5. Living Hexadecimal 07:27 6. Mind's Bug 06:53 7. Travelling Through A Wire 05:36 8. Behind the Consciousness of Memory 02:20 9. A New Beginning? 10:16------------ Total playing time 55:39Andrea Bedin - vocals Gianni Guerra - guitars Simon Rosani - bass Lorenzo Castellarin - keyboards Walter Pod - drumsItaly (Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia) Progressive Metal

1. Sharp 4:582. Logical Regression 2:543. Empty Space 5:204. Out of Time 4:255. Black and White 5:076. Steppin' Razor 4:267. Rather Burn 6:028. Unfair 4:149. The Descent into Madness 4:5610. Black Gemini 8:1911. Close My Eyes 6:3012. Hidden Track 4:05-------------Total playing time: 1:00:16Kase - bass & vocals Jon Hilke - drums Jim Ford - keyboards, guitar & vocals Eric Amble - guitar United States of America (Madison, Wisconsin) Progressive Metal
1. Free wild Life 01:33 2. Silent Room Of Time 07:08 3. Whispering Shadows 05:01 4. Caught In Reality 11:48 5. My Lonely Stare 05:02 6. Colors Of The Fall 06:43 7. Two Worlds 08:42 8. Wild Free Life 02:41------------- Total playing time 48:38Mikael Moberg - vocals Kerim Kalkan - guitar Johan Berlin - guitar/keyboards Johan Erixon - bass Anders Berlin - drums Sweden (Norrköping) Progressive Metal
1. Walrus 9 (Scene One) 4:28 2. Birth of the techno-child 9:50 3. Rise of the prophet 7:03 4. Anthem of chaos 6:14 5. Sons of the sands 5:09 6. Tears For The Dead Gods, Part I: Prelude To Ruins 1:58 7. Tears For The Dead Gods, Part II: Thy Will Be Done 4:45 8. Tears For The Dead Gods, Part III: Jihad 4:34 9. Tears For The Dead Gods, Part IV: Forsaken 1:00 10. Tears For The Dead Gods, Part V: Save Our Soul 5:53----------------------- Total playing time 50:54Martin Fréchette - Vocals (Disembarkation, Midwar) Fred Bergeron - Guitar (Deeply Confused) Stephane Filion - Guitar (Deeply Confused) Frank R. Anthony - Bass Julie Morin - Keyboards (Black Palace Symphony)Canada (Montreal, Quebec) Progressive Metal
1. Burning Suns 06:44 2. Now That You're Gone 04:44 3. The Inner Self 07:12 4. Masters of Illusion 09:50 5. Gandalf 04:42 6. At the Gates of Lunacy 07:51-------------- Total playing time 41:03Timo Lechner - vocals Dirk Michelson - keyboards Wolfgang Lutsch - guitar Olav Langer - guitar Valentin Himmler - bass Christoph Bohm - drumsGermany (Kitzingen, Bavaria) Progressive Metal
1. Dear Mother 05:53 2. My Reality 08:32 3. As The Light Is Fading 11:08 4. Something Not Sunlight 06:27 5. The Other Place 07:20 6. Your Chapter Ends 05:57 7. She Speaks To Me 13:45----------------- Total playing time 55:02Göran Nyström - Vocals (Paincraze) Ylfva Glantz - Female Vocals (Vivid) Karl Persson - Guitar Jon Pedersén - Lead Guitar (Paincraze) Max Carlberg - Bass (Aeon (Swe), Defaced Creation, Oltued) Tom Åsvold - Drums (Skullbasher, Endless Torture, Paincraze) Timo Hautamäki - Keyboards (Lapis Lazuli, Aftermath (Swe), Helvetica, Kåre é Röd, Fucklord of Doom, Lindez, The Liches, Hautamäkiz, ZeroXx, Hate Crew, Ivarzzonz)Sweden (Östersund) Progressive/Power Metal
1. Reach the Moon 04:58 2. Rebel 04:33 3. Masquerade 05:15 4. Eternity (Introduction for Empress) 01:50 5. Empress 06:08 6. Days of Joy and Bliss 05:36 7. Shapeless Visions 05:11 8. After the Storm 06:55 9. Dive Down 05:53 10. Tears of Goodbye 07:07 11. Fractured Dreams 04:40--------------------- Total playing time 58:06Marko Waara - Vocals Juhani Malmberg - Guitars (Kotipelto) Vili Ollila - Keyboards (Olympos Mons, Craydawn, Ari Koivunen) Lauri Porra - Bass (Stratovarius, Gashouse Garden, Kotipelto, Sinergy, Warmen, Almah) Mirka Rantanen - Drums (Judge Brown's Monstervision Freakshow, Thunderstone, Kotipelto, Warmen, Loud Crowd, Ari Koivunen)Finland (Helsinki) Progressive Metal
1. Heal the Waters 06:38 2. Torn 03:52 3. Burn the Sun 04:35 4. Resurrection 05:33 5. Absolute Zero 05:06 6. Just a Little 04:38 7. Waking Hour 04:15 8. Noose 05:04 9. Feed the Fire 03:57 10. I Bleed 04:04 11. Missing You 09:0412. Silent Is the Rain (japanese bonus track) 02:46------------------Total playing time 59:32Jørn Lande - Vocals (Masterplan, Allen / Lande, Beyond Twilight, Mundanus Imperium, Millenium (US, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, The Snakes, Vagabond (Nor), Wild Willy's Gang) Tore Østby - Guitars (Conception, D.C. Cooper) Randy Coven - Bass (MCM, Riot, X-Mas Project, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Holy Mother, C.P.R., John Macaluso & Union Radio) Mats Olausson - Keyboards (Silver Mountain, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Evil Masquerade (guest), MVP, Kamelot, Biscaya, Michael Vescera (Guest)) John Macaluso - Drums (Starbreaker, Mullmuzzler, MCM, Chris Caffery, Riot, Holy Mother, TNT (Nor), Masterlast, Powermad, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, John Macaluso & Union Radio, Fools Game)Norway (Toten) Progressive Metal
1. Life Force Rapture 07:33 2. Burning Kingdom I - A Dark Affliction 06:55 3. Burning Kingdom II - Heavenly Insurgence 05:37 4. Burning Kingdom III - Lux Aeterna 04:06 5. The Wildwood Pariah 03:33 6. Winter Flight 05:43 7. Gates of Winter 03:58 8. From the Flesh 05:53 9. Omega 06:21---------- Total playing time 49:44Lee Maines - Vocals, Rhythm Guitar (Woods of Ypres) Bryan Belleau - Lead Guitar (Woods of Ypres) Steven Furgiuele - Bass (Woods of Ypres) Brian Holmes - Keyboards (Woods of Ypres) Jon Harvey - Drums Canada (Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario) Progressive Metal
1. Inthrough The Light 02:03 2. Approaching Light 05:08 3. In Silence 05:28 4. Dreaming 13:14 5. Nevermore 06:38 6. Sole Ombre 11:58 7. Earth Spirit 09:53 8. Northwind 06:23 9. Profumi D'Armonia 03:42---------------- Total playing time 01:03:02Valentino Moser (2005-) - Vocals Andrea Neri (2003-) - Guitar Marco Polizzi (2005-) - Bass Alessio Contorni (2003-) - Keyboards Alessio Brancati (2005-) - DrumsItaly (Rome, Lazio) Progressive Metal
1. Enter The Sea Of Dreams 01:10 2. First Step 05:43 3. Pain 07:27 4. Dimension Of Time 09:31 5. Point Of No Return 06:06 6. Preach Of Fire 04:51 7. Under The Rainbow 07:27 8. Legends 07:40 9. Wait For The Day 03:44 10. Black Roses 05:36 11. Sheila 04:59 12. Dawn Of Time 10:40------------- Total playing time 01:14:54Jim Foss - Vocals Trond Are - Guitars, Backing Vocals John Martin Haarr - Bass, Backing Vocals (Mayah) Jørgen Manke - Keyboards Svein Harald Kleppe - Drums, Backing Vocals Norway (Time) Progressive/Power Metal
1. Listen! 00:55 2. Warning 05:22 3. Access Denied 06:52 4. The Calling 06:13 5. Answers 00:38 6. Words 04:25 7. Rise 00:28 8. Subjective Enemy 05:11 9. Breakthrough 00:13 10. My World 06:51 11. Welcome To 05:43 12. Nails 01:48 13. Construction Site 04:02 14. Aware 00:45 15. Keys 04:51 16. Fall 00:47 17. Awake 11:06---------- Total playing time 01:06:10Andre Fischer - Vocals Sven Böge - Guitars (Z-Iron, Ritual Steel) Björn Bombach - Bass Heiner Risthaus - Keyboards Flo Tabbert - DrumsGermany (Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein) Power Progressive Metal
1. Heresy 06:55 2. Search For Perfection 04:54 3. Killtime 04:31 4. Crusaders Revenge 04:26 5. The Burning 05:26 6. Massacre Of The Cathars 04:19 7. Serenity 04:53 8. 700 Years On 05:14 9. Castle In The Wind 01:33--------------- Total playing time 42:11Charly Steinhauer - Vocals/Guitar Markus Spyth - Guitar Matthias Schmidt - Bass Axel Blaha - DrumsGermany (Würzburg, Bavaria) Power/Thrash/Speed Metal
1. No Place for Disgrace 06:13 2. Dreams of Death 05:39 3. N.E. Terror 05:57 4. Escape From Within 06:47 5. Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting (Elton John cover) 03:53 6. Hard on You 04:51 7. I Live You Die 05:49 8. Misguided Fortune 05:41 9. P.A.A.B. 05:32 10. The Jones 04:07-------------- Total playing time 54:29Eric Knutson - Vocals Edward Carlson - Guitar Michael Gilbert - Guitar Troy Gregory - Bass Kelly David Smith - Drums United States of America (Phoenix, Arizona) Power/Thrash Metal